Board & Members
Young Democrats of McHenry County(YDMC) Executive Board consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and three (3) Representatives. Additional positions may be created.
To run for President, Vice-President, Treasurer, or Secretary, the member must be 18 years of age or older and must be under the age of 38; the term of seat is 2 years.
To run for a Representative position, the member must be 14 years of age or older and must be under the age of 38. Upon discussion and approval of the Executive Board, Executive Board members may appoint deputies for their respective offices for their terms.
Membership Requirements
Membership is open to all McHenry County residents under the age-40 years.
Elected Precinct Committee Persons of McHenry County, under the age-40, see below.
All other residents, under the age-40, may become a member via a 10(ten) dollars annual membership fee.
Should a member be unable to meet either of these requirements, voting membership may still be granted on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the Executive Board.
Membership Levels
Partial membership
This category of membership is awarded through recognition by the acting Secretary of the Organization.
This category of membership does not enjoy the rights outlined in this constitution that are provided to those with Full Membership.
Full membership
This category of membership is awarded through dues-paying and attending three or more total meetings.
These conditions are countermanded in the instance and during the tenure where a member is an elected or appointed Precinct Committee Person for the Democratic Party of McHenry County.
This category of membership enjoys the right to vote in Organization-wide votes, inaugurate self-nominations for Executive Committee role elections.
What We Do
Meet as a whole committee with all members at least once a month at a centralized location in McHenry County; and
As a completely volunteer-led organization, the Young Democrats of McHenry County mobilizes young people under the age of 40 to participate in the electoral process to elect Democrats, influence the ideals of the Democratic Party, advocate for progressive issues, and train the next generation of progressive leaders; and
Increase peer-to-peer communication by speaking with progressive and democratically allied issue groups, by locating new voters in our local communities, by speaking out to our friends and family members, and by taking our message for the future to the people; and
Support the recruitment of democratic candidates; and
Build strong lasting relationships among local Democratic clubs, labor unions, and other progressive organizations; accept and encourage the role of progressive and grassroots organizations with common goals in guiding our party, and welcome their involvement in both primary and general elections; and
Demand inclusion at all levels of the Democratic Party, including state and local executive committees and as party delegates, allowing the voice of the future leaders of the Democratic Party to be heard and listened to; and
Help recruit and support Democratic candidates who reflect the very best of their local character and values; and
Work to actively highlight issues important in mobilizing young voters through social media and traditional earned media; and
Create digital petitions, hosts issue-based conversations, and holds both in-person and digital rallies to advance our policy priorities and priorities important to our members; and
Participate in trainings, workshops, hear from elected leaders.
"Things will only improve when the people - all of us - say to authorities, 'I will hold you responsible.' We should all be showing up at city council meetings, lighting up every community with activism and mobilization."
Erin Brokovich

Corinna Sac
She/Her, 33

Vice President

Ray Cook

Jayden Preusker

Krixian Basile
They/Them, 35
Alena Hansen

Jackson Lulofs

Rep 4
Our Mission
The mission of this organization is to engage, educate, and empower young people across the county; train the next generation of Democratic Leaders, elect Democrats, and advocate for progressive issues.

Our Vision
The vision of this committee is to be the hub for Democratic youth that cultivates the party leaders of today and tomorrow.